Terms and Conditions

Boiler Tracker Application

The terms and conditions herein refer to the agreement and conditions for using the Boiler Tracker Application, including the technology that is part of the Boiler Tracker Application (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") developed by "Arrow Energy Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider").

Users of the Application (hereinafter referred to as "Users") are kindly requested to thoroughly read this agreement and the terms of service before participating in its use. If Users agree to abide by this version of the agreement and terms of service, please proceed.

  1. User Qualifications and Basic Requirements

1.1 Users of the service must be at least 20 years old to register as "Member Users" and use the Application in its full capacity. Users below the age of 20 (hereinafter referred to as "Minors") must obtain legal consent from their parents or legal guardians before using the Application. Minors will be able to register for and use only the functions specified by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall consider the utilization of the application by minors as having obtained legal consent from their respective legal parents or guardians. The Service Provider will not be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the Application by Minors.

1.2 Users must provide truthful, accurate, and complete registration information and always keep this information up to date. In some cases, the Service Provider may request additional documents to verify the provided information, and Users agree to comply with such requests.

1.3 Users can register one phone number for each User Account for using the service.

  1. User Accounts and Data Storage

Users must create a User Account to use the Application. During the account creation, users are required to set a login password, and the Service Provider necessitates users to provide essential personal information, including identification data such as name, ID number, address, date of birth, and login credentials. Users must exercise caution in providing this information, including their login password, and keep their user data confidential to prevent the unauthorized use of their login credentials. The Service Provider considers any activities performed using the login password to be actions carried out by the legitimate owner of the password. Users agree to promptly notify the Service Provider of any unauthorized use or security breaches of their User Account.

It is important to note that the Service Provider will not be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use of login credentials in a manner that is illegal or against the law by third parties, as stated in the preceding paragraph. This includes sharing User Accounts with family members, other individuals, or accessing any service within the Application under the User Account of another User.

  1. Using the Application Service

The purpose of this Application is to provide users with information about the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of boilers, and it is divided into two user categories as follows:

 3.1 General Users: These are users who create a user account on the Application but may not provide all the necessary information or are under the age of 20. General users are limited in their access to the functions of the Application, and they can only use functions specified by the service provider. For example, they can access information about water heater efficiency and cost-effectiveness, which users provide by inputting details themselves.

3.2 Member Users: These are users who create a user account on the Application and provide complete and accurate information. They are also at least 20 years of age. Member users have full access to all the features of the Application, including real-time information on water heater efficiency and cost-effectiveness, which is obtained through the installation of measuring tools, as well as the ability to use various functions that may be added in the future.

  1. Limitation of Liability

The service provider shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the users in all cases, including those mentioned in clauses 2, 6, and 8, unless it can be proven that such damages resulted from a malfunction of the Application, except for cases mentioned in clauses 2, 6, and 8, which are caused by the negligence or defects of the service provider. The service provider's liability will be determined within the limits that the service provider deems appropriate, and users shall not dispute this in any way.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

Any intellectual property rights or other rights related to the works, inventions, manuals, documents, programs, computer data, or any other content that belong to the service provider and are displayed in this Application are reserved. Should a user wish to utilize the intellectual property rights or other rights of the service provider as displayed in this Application, aside from personal use, they must obtain written permission from the service provider and may need to enter into an agreement regarding usage rights, terms, and compensation.

  1. Temporary Suspension of Service

 The service provider reserves the right to temporarily suspend the provision of services, without the necessity of prior notice to users. The service provider also disclaims any liability for any damages resulting from the temporary suspension of services, under any circumstances, including but not limited to the following situations:

6.1 During scheduled maintenance of the Application system or in emergency situations.

6.2 When the service provider receives orders to cease data transmission by competent authorities in accordance with the law.

6.3 When the system or related equipment of the data communication device cannot establish data connections.

6.4 When technical issues in the Application system or associated equipment hinder processing.

6.5 In other necessary cases.

  1. Suspension and/or Termination of User Accounts

The service provider reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate user accounts in the following circumstances:

7.1 When users violate the terms and conditions of this Application's service agreement.

7.2 When users disrupt others from participating in the use of this Application.

7.3 When users use the Application for purposes prohibited by law.

7.4 In any other cases where the service provider determines that the use of the user account may cause harm to the Application. The service provider's decision is final, and users may not dispute it.

  1. Linking to Third Parties

This Application may be linked to third-party applications, websites, news sources, or other services that are operated and maintained by third parties, solely for the purpose of providing information and convenience to users. The service provider disclaims any liability for any damages resulting from the content and information provided by third parties or any harm arising from the use and linking to such external sources.

  1. Privacy Policy

9.1 Data Collection: The service provider will collect user data as provided by users during the registration and creation of a user account, including information that may be requested in the future. This information is used to verify the identity of users and for the purposes of providing services as described in section 9.2. This includes personal information such as name, date of birth, national ID number, address, phone number, and relevant contact information. The service provider will store the personal information of users in accordance with the terms and conditions of this service agreement until the user chooses to terminate their use of the application.

9.2 Use and Disclosure of Information: The service provider will use the data collected for the following purposes:

  • To confirm or verify the user's identity before providing services.
  • To issue invoices or tax receipts to users.
  • To provide information about products and services, answer queries, offer personalized recommendations, and improve customer relations, including responding to user needs.
  • To enhance the quality of products and services.
  • To allow relevant agencies to address issues or provide related services. The service provider may disclose user information to affiliated companies, partners, or other business entities for purposes related to the provision of the application services.

9.3 Data Security: The service provider attaches great importance to the security of user data and has security measures in place to protect user data according to industry standards.

9.4 Changes to Privacy Policy: The service provider reserves the right to modify or change the privacy policy, which will take immediate effect and does not require advance notice to users.

  1. Changes or Amendments to Terms and Conditions of the Application Service

Users agree to allow the service provider to make changes or amendments to the terms and conditions of the Application service. The service provider will notify users through the specified channels. Users are required to comply with the updated terms and conditions, and the service provider will consider users bound by these terms and conditions from the date they take effect.

  1. Applicable Law

These terms and conditions of service shall be interpreted and governed by Thai law, and in case of any disputes related to the use of the service according to these terms and conditions, the Thai courts shall have jurisdiction to adjudicate.

  1. Information Notification

Any information or notifications related to the Application as per these terms and conditions will be communicated through the Application's notification page and may also be sent via email or mobile phone messages as appropriate.

  1. Contact Us

For additional information, inquiries, or suggestions, please contact Arrow Energy Call Center at 02-115-0653.